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I Coach Peak Performance 

With 23 years of coaching experience, I dive deep alongside you, fueled by a passion to facilitate your transformation. Our sessions are weekly or bi-weekly, no topic is deemed off-limits, and we navigate within a completely confidential, and trusted space. My commitment is unwavering, serving as your dedicated partner on the journey to becoming the best version of yourself. For those serious about change, willing to endure the challenges with openness, and embrace the journey with an increasingly fluid mindset, I am here. Within you lies a resilient, grit-infused warrior, a champion awaiting recognition. 



A personalized journey designed to unlock your full potential. In these individualized sessions, we delve deep into your unique aspirations, challenges, and strengths. Whether you're a youth, or professional athlete seeking peak mental performance or an individual aiming for personal growth, our 1-on-1 coaching offers a tailored approach. Together, we'll explore the five pillars of Intrinsic - Curiosity, Mastery, Autonomy, Autotelicity, and Purpose, crafting a roadmap to elevate both your mindset and performance. We'll activate your motivation and reward pathways, unlocking your true potential through a transformative journey to turn you into the best version of you there’s ever been. 


Availability is limited. Let me know about your aspirations here, and we'll schedule a conversation to ensure it's a good fit. 


Experience the power of collective growth in our Group/Team Intrinsic Coaching sessions. Tailored for squads, teams, or groups aiming for synchronized success, these sessions go beyond individual excellence. Together, we navigate the five pillars of Curiosity, Mastery, Autonomy, Autotelicity, and Purpose, fostering a shared mindset of achievement. One key element we prioritize is identifying and understanding the unique 'personality' of your team. By recognizing individual strengths and harmonizing collective potential, we pave the way for a unified front; a journey where every member contributes to the team's success. Let's embark on this collaborative pursuit of sustainable peak performance, where each session strengthens the bonds that fuel collective achievement. 


Reach out and we'll have a conversation to see how I can help your squad.  

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